Holistic Veterinary Medicine
Naturally, we’re you’re go-to local vet for holistic and intergrative medicine for your pet.
Your trusted holistic and integrative vet in Blackburn
Dr Kang, as a human patient himself, experienced the efficacy of alternative medicines such as acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and herbal medicine. Dr Kang was then enthusiastic about applying these multimodal treatment regimes to veterinary medicine and proudly achieved a Certificate of Veterinary Acupuncture after intensive training and examinations in 2013. His skills include acupuncture, herbal medicine, trigger point treatment and myofascial massage.
What can holistic medicine treat?
These treatments are effective for:
Pain: chronic, neck, back, muscle, nerve
Arthritis and painful joints
Palliative care
Geriatric and senior patient care
Leg problems: pain, limping
Skin condition
Sensitive tummy problems
Behaviour problems
For more details, please visit the websites: AVA (Australian Veterinary Association); and IVAS (International Veterinary Acupuncture Society).
The aim is to combine his western and eastern veterinary skills and knowledge, called Integrative Veterinary Medicine to make your pet as happy and healthy as possible.