Brachycephalic surgery
It’s hard to say the name, but the results are easy to see.
Do you have a brachycephalic dog or cat such as Pug, French, British or Aussie Bulldog, Boston Terrier, Himalayan, or Persian cat? Or are you considering owning one? If so, you've come to the right place!
Special breeds need special care
We have extensive experience in these special breeds. Dr Kang loves flat-faced breeds and owns two Pug cross dogs himself. We know from experience what advice you need and how to manage the conditions, including:
BOAS (Brachycephalic Obstructed Airway Syndrome): Stenotic nares, Elongated soft palate, Everted laryngeal saccules, Hypotrachea, Caudal aberrant turbinates
Vomiting due to the reflux of stomach contents caused by BOAS
Allergies: itchiness, skin and ear infection, food allergy
Eyes: KCS (dry eye), Cherry eye
Eyelashes: Ectopic cilia, Trichiasis, Distichiasis
Eyelids: Entropion, Ectropion
Spinal disorders: Hemivertebrae, Degenerative myelopathy. Spina bifida.
Orthopaedic conditions: Cruciate ligament, Patella (kneecap) luxation, Hip and Elbow dysplasia
Urogenital disease: vulvoplasty, Urethral prolapse
Anal sac or gland disease
Corkscrew tail surgery
We have successfully treated and managed all the above conditions in these breeds resulting in happier and healthier dogs.
The patient's left nare (nostril) has just been surgically widened; please note that this photo was taken during the surgery and there is a small amount of blood visible.